Astronaut UFO Photographs Explained

[ Gemini - 7 ] [ Gemini - 4 ] [ Saturn ]

Related web site: "Prosaic (non-UFO) Explanation of Borman's 'bogie' Conversation".

A widely circulated photograph from Gemini-7 is incorrectly described as  showing two UFOs with 'glowing undersides' (for example, see

The actual photograph is part of a pair of views looking out the co-pilot's  (right side) window, at cloud formations. The nose of the spacecraft is in the field of view and in this case, sunlight glinting off the white throats of two nose steering jets caused a flare in the camera, showing up as a pair of white

In most "UFO versions" of these images, the boundary between the black nose of the Gemini capsule and the dark Earth below (clearly seen in the original images reproduced here) is subdued and not noticeable, so the location of the glares on the spacecraft's surface is hidden.

Similar views under different lighting conditions, also shown here, confirm that these two thrusters are exactly where the two glares are seen in the photographs in question.

NOTE: The two photos S-65-63722 and -63723 are the ones presented as 'UFOs', while GT7VIEW1.JPG and GT7VIEW2.JPG are ordinary tourist views included merely for comparison regarding the location of the roll thrusters on the Gemini's nose, as seen out the same window the 'UFO' images were made from.

Large formatted photos load pretty slowly.

Gemini - 7

Presented as UFO's
 Large Format GT7U1.JPG
Small Format GT7U1.JPG

Here's the second GT7 photo showing the 'glare UFOs'.

Presented as UFO's
Large Format GT7U2.JPG
Small Format GT7U2.JPG

Gemini-7 view S-65-63145

Ordinary tourist views included merely for comparison
Large Format GT7VIEW1.JPG
Small Format GT7VIEW1.JPG

Gemini-7 view S-65-63730

Ordinary tourist views included merely for comparison
Large Format GT7VIEW2.JPG
Small Format GT7VIEW2.JPG

Gemini - 4

Probably the most well-known astronaut "UFO encounter", in June 1965, reported by James Mcdivitt on Gemini-4, who described a 'beer-can shaped' object out his window. He shot a few photographs but later when he reviewed all the flight film (none was missing because it all had been logged when loaded) he didn't see anything like he'd tried to photograph, so he figured the camera settings weren't right or the object (which he always assumed was some other manmade satellite) had been lost in the glare. This view was released by hurried NASA public relations officials in Washington, but later McDivitt announced he was quite certain it showed only sunlight reflecting off a bolt on the edge of his window, not a view of what he'd seen. Nevertheless the image has been widely hailed as one the "best UFO photos ever taken".
Large Format GT4-CLIP.JPG
Small Format GT4-CLIP.JPG

Early in the Gemini-4 flight, co-pilot Ed White had taken a few shots of the Titan-2 second stage which the astronauts were trying to rendezvous with. It is visible in the upper right corner of this view. When shown this photo, McDivitt immediately and unambiguously identified it as the upper stage, although it is often presented on the Internet as a UFO. Some analysts suggest that McDivitt's "beer-can-shaped" UFO seen a day later was the same stage under different viewing conditions, but Mcdivitt does not agree.

Large Format GT4_OF~1.JPG
Small Format GT4_OF~1.JPG
Side by Side Comparison

As can be seen from this view of the Gemini's Titan booster second stage in ground processing, it is indeed "beer can shaped", and may indeed have been the cause of McDivitt's sighting. Clear photographs of the second stage of the Titan-2 were also taken by Gemini-7 astronauts who made a rendezvous maneuver in December 1965. It's probably no coincidence that the only two Gemini missions that carried out rendezvous maneuvers with their booster upper stage -- Gemini-4 and Gemini-7 -- also are famous for "UFO encounters".

Large Format GT4_ST~1.JPG
Small Format GT4_ST~1.JPG
Side by Side Comparison


Part 1: Here's a British UFO Magazine cover where the sunlit top of the S4B third stage is cropped, edge enhanced, and presented as a "UFO".
Large Format S4B-FA~.JPG
Small Format S4BFA1_2.JPG

Part 2: Here's a lower resolution version of photos of the Saturn third stage which have been published as 'UFOs'.

Large Format s4bs-1~1.JPG
Small Format S4bs1~2.JPG

Part 3: Here is the magazine cover and the Saturn thrid stage together for comparison.

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